
Hourly Pipeline Services

CCTV Inspection Video Services

Iron Horse Services offers the finest closed circuit television services in the Northwest, utilizing the latest Cue’s assessment equipment.  Since 2005, Iron Horse has diversified and expanded their reach in the underground video industry, becoming a trusted source for infrastructure inspection. With the use of high-quality remote control operated camera equipment and highly-trained staff, you can trust Iron Horse LLC to complete a thorough and qualified report. Iron Horse also performs assessments in pipe sizes ranging from 4-84" and larger. All of our video equipment is sonde equipped for locating at any point in the assessment as requested.

Iron Horse offers assessments in all formats including NASSCO/PACP.

You can review our assessments via thumb drive.


Lateral launching up to 100'

  • Our lateral launch equipment is capable of full pan and tilt.
  • Capable of multi-directional control.
  • Meets current specs for resolution.

Pre and Post CCTV

  • Iron Horse performs to meet all municipality standards with NAASCO/PACP.
  • The assessments also include manhole assessments, measured increments, written narratives, and deliverable on flash drives or digital transfer.

Lateral locating

  • Capability to locate laterals both vertically and horizontally using a multi-transmitting sonde, allowing our technicians to communicate with equipment above ground.
  • We are also able to perform deep sewer locates (up to 33 feet) using our super sonde.

Manhole Inspection

  • Perform fully certified manhole inspections per individual specifications and NAASCO/PACP specifications.
  • We are able to inspect so our customers are able to be aware of damages such as cracks or leaking and infiltration

Push Cam

  • Have the capability of CCTV in pipe sizes ranging from 4-6" in diameter.
  • Can be operated through cleanouts 4-6" in diameter.
  • This equipment has the capability to perform in small diameter pipe assessments and locates where other equipment could not.

Vacuum Truck Services

We provide a combination of vacuum truck and jetting services for sanitary and storm system conveyances. Iron Horse LLC provides vacuum services for the cleaning and maintenance of underground storm facilities like filtration wells, dry wells, wet wells, etc.

Our vacuum truck services also include sanitary, storm, hydro excavation, and exploratory utility locating. Iron Horse LLC technicians are trained and carry onboard confined space entry in case confined space entry becomes mandatory. Our technicians participate in regular training and certification to ensure that our team is the most qualified in the industry.

We also specialize in hydro excavation for structural excavation in areas where conventional equipment cannot operate. This saves our customers both time and money.

Robotic Cutting Services

A service Iron Horse is proud to have been professionally trained to perform is the reinstatement of laterals.  Our Schwalm Talpa 2060 has the freedom to navigate through our rehabbed mainlines and reinstate laterals up to 100% of the opening the same day of install.  Our cutter is controlled by our skilled technician who is able to navigate by the use of the Cue’s camera mounted on the Talpa 2060.

Lateral Caps

The Talpa 2060 holds the capability to cap laterals.  The universal thread allows for quick connection and disconnection of the “rubber hats” that close tightly around the connection.


Precision hydrocutting.  Capable of up to 40,000 PSI water blasting. Removing roots, failed liner, concrete, grout.  Professionally certified.

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